
Israel and The Church |S4:E1|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the intertwined relationship between Israel and the church throughout biblical history. Beginning with God's renaming of Jacob as Israel, he traces the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham through the emergence of the nation of Israel. The dialogue delves into the complex symbolism of the name "Israel," highlighting both struggle and uprightness before God. Pastor Eric discusses the mystery of Gentile inclusion in God's plan and the unity of believers in Christ. He emphasizes the distinction yet unity between Israel and the church, and he concludes with the vision of believers from all nations united as the spiritual Israel of God, destined to reign with Christ in His eternal Kingdom.

Recapturing a Lost Generation |S3:E11|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric reflects on the prophecy of Joel and the expectation of a significant outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days. He contrasts this with warnings from Paul and Jesus about the falling away and signs preceding the return of the Lord. The current state of the church, particularly its disconnect with younger generations, is highlighted, suggesting a need for revival and unity centered on love and truth. Pastor Eric emphasizes the importance of boldness in preaching the Gospel amidst adversity and persecution, calling for the church to embrace its prophetic destiny and stand as a beacon of light in a darkening world.

The Natural and Spiritual Realms |S2:E12|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores Paul's teachings on the resurrection, and he contrasts Paul's affirmation of bodily resurrection with pre-Christian Gnostic beliefs that deny it. Pastor Eric delves into the dual nature of humanity—physical and spiritual—examining the implications for believers. He touches on the interplay between the natural and spiritual realms, the promise of a new creation, and the ultimate unity of all things in Christ. Through scriptural references and theological reflections, Pastor Eric elucidates the hope of believers in the bodily resurrection and the restoration of creation in God's Kingdom.

Christian Community |S2:E7|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the concept of Christian community, drawing parallels between the early church depicted in the book of Acts and the modern-day church. He emphasizes the importance of love, unity, and discipleship within the community of believers. Referencing biblical verses and historical texts, the dialogue highlights the characteristics of the early Christians, such as selflessness, compassion, and commitment to one another. Pastor Eric calls for a return to these principles in contemporary Christianity, stressing the need for revival and transformation through a renewed focus on love and community.

The Ministry of Reconciliation |S2:E5|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric discusses the prevalent issue of division and polarization in society, particularly in the context of historical events like the American Civil War and the ongoing struggle against injustice. He emphasizes the root cause of division as humanity's sinful nature and suggests reconciliation and forgiveness as divine solutions. Through key concepts like unity, justice, and repentance, Pastor Eric underscores the importance of addressing division through a spiritual lens, ultimately advocating for forgiveness as a catalyst for healing and unity in the face of deep-seated conflicts.

To the Church in Rome |S1:E24|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric discusses key themes from the Apostle Paul's message to the Gentiles in Romans chapters 9 to 11, emphasizing the relationship between Gentile Christians and Jewish believers. He highlights Paul's emphasis on the importance of recognizing Israel's role as the recipients of God's promises and warns against arrogance or boasting among Gentile believers. The dialogue underscores the need for humility, faith, and unity between Gentile and Jewish believers, with the ultimate goal of fulfilling God's promises for both groups.

Out of Nothing—Ex Nihilo |S1:E15|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the concept of creation ex nihilo, emphasizing God's role as the ultimate source of existence. It challenges the notion of human independence from God, highlighting the inherent reliance on Him for life and sustenance. He talks about the dangers of pride and idolatry, advocating for humility and submission before God. It explores the idea that true freedom and fulfillment are found in surrendering to God's will rather than asserting individual rights. Ultimately, Pastor Eric calls for repentance, unity, and a deep recognition of humanity's complete dependence on God for existence and salvation.

One New Man |S1:E13|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric recounts a personal journey of discovery and reconciliation between his Jewish heritage and Christian faith. He grapples with questions about the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, particularly concerning the role of Israel and the church. Through biblical study and historical reading, Pastor Eric came to understand that Christianity is deeply rooted in its Jewish foundation and that the church and Israel are intertwined in God's plan of redemption. The text challenges the notion of replacement theology, emphasizing the unique and irrevocable calling of the Jewish people while affirming the inclusion of Gentile believers as partakers in God's promises. Pastor Eric celebrates the unity of believers from all nations in Christ, rejecting divisions and embracing diversity within the body of Christ.