Kingdom of God

Israel's Significance in God's Future Kingdom |S5:E4|

In this episode of the House of David podcast, Gabi and Pastor Eric delve into the significance of understanding the theological details surrounding God's Kingdom, Israel, and future prophetic events. They discuss the detrimental impact of false or misguided theologies, particularly Supersessionism, on the church's understanding of scripture concerning Israel and the Jewish people. Pastor Eric emphasizes the importance of seeking truth and understanding God's Kingdom, as taught by Jesus, which encompasses not only salvation but also the future fulfillment of Biblical prophecies. They explore various theological perspectives, including Amillennialism and Post-Millennialism, and contrast them with a Pre-Millennial view that highlights the restoration of Israel as central to God's Kingdom plans. The episode concludes with a call to prayer for Israel and a preview of future discussions on the distinctions between Israel and the church and the fulfillment of God's promises.

Are We In The Kingdom? |S4:E4|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the theological concept of the Kingdom of God and its relationship to Israel, the church, and the end times. He discusses different theological perspectives, including Classical Dispensationalism and Progressive Dispensationalism, in understanding God's plan for redemption and restoration of Israel. Pastor Eric argues neither perspective fully aligns with scripture and suggests a nuanced view incorporating elements from both while emphasizing the importance of Israel's restoration in God's overarching plan. Pastor Eric concludes by affirming the present reality of the Kingdom of God within believers and anticipates its future full realization upon Christ's return.

Israel and The Church |S4:E1|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the intertwined relationship between Israel and the church throughout biblical history. Beginning with God's renaming of Jacob as Israel, he traces the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham through the emergence of the nation of Israel. The dialogue delves into the complex symbolism of the name "Israel," highlighting both struggle and uprightness before God. Pastor Eric discusses the mystery of Gentile inclusion in God's plan and the unity of believers in Christ. He emphasizes the distinction yet unity between Israel and the church, and he concludes with the vision of believers from all nations united as the spiritual Israel of God, destined to reign with Christ in His eternal Kingdom.

Entering The Kingdom |S3:E10|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the theological perspective of the Gospel, emphasizing the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus-Yeshua, His death, resurrection, and the establishment of His Kingdom. He contrasts the common belief of going to heaven with the concept of entering the Kingdom, highlighting the unity of heaven and earth in God's plan. The dialogue underscores the centrality of Israel in God's redemptive plan and emphasizes the restoration of creation to its original perfection. Pastor Eric discusses the role of believers, both Jews and Gentiles, in spreading the message of the Kingdom and preparing for its full establishment here on earth as it is in heaven.

Healing of The Nations |S3:E9|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the symbolic and spiritual significance of the New Jerusalem described in Revelation, emphasizing its portrayal as a city of divine healing and restoration. He delves into the allegorical interpretation of the Tree of Life and the healing of nations, discussing their spiritual implications alongside their physical representations. Drawing from Christian and Jewish traditions, Pastor Eric connects the imagery of the New Jerusalem to broader theological themes of redemption, cosmic restoration, and the unity of the earthly and heavenly realms.

Moving Mountains |S3:E8|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the metaphorical meaning behind Jesus's statement about moving mountains with faith. He explores how mountains represent kingdoms in a biblical context and emphasizes the spiritual battle believers face against the dominion of darkness. The dialogue underscores the importance of faith, prayer, and spiritual warfare in advancing God's kingdom and moving earthly kingdoms toward alignment with His will. Pastor Eric contrasts the erroneous concept of dominionism with the biblical truth of awaiting Christ's ultimate reign. He connects biblical imagery of mountains and wastelands to illustrate the spiritual journey from sin and curse to redemption and victory in Christ. Ultimately, Pastor Eric calls believers to spread the gospel and advance God's kingdom through faith-filled action and prayerful intercession.

The Fullness of Time |S2:E20|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores biblical prophecies concerning the First and Second Advents of Christ and Israel's final redemption. He delves into the significance of the number seventy in prophecy, particularly in relation to the completion of God's purposes and the fullness of time. Drawing from scriptures and historical and numerical analysis, Pastor Eric suggests that we may be nearing the culmination of God's plan as indicated by various signs and patterns in the Hebrew calendar, and he encourages readiness and anticipation for Christ's return while emphasizing the ongoing mission of spreading the gospel and making disciples.

The Gospel of The Kingdom |S2:E16|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the essence of the Gospel, addressing misconceptions and clarifying its core components. He emphasizes salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, highlighting the gift of grace and the role of good works as a manifestation of faith. Additionally, Pastor Eric discusses the importance of sharing the Gospel and the Kingdom of God, advocating for a balanced approach that encompasses both evangelism and social justice. He concludes by underscoring the centrality of love in effectively communicating the Gospel message to others.

What is Zionism? |S2:E6|

In the House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the multifaceted concept of Zion, encompassing both its geographical significance in Jerusalem and its profound theological implications. He discusses the origins of Zionism as a movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the complexities surrounding its implementation. The dialogue explores the spiritual dimensions of Zion, portraying it as the dwelling place of God and a symbol of salvation and reconciliation for all nations. Additionally, Pastor Eric highlights the interconnectedness of Zion with the Kingdom of God and the role of Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah in its fulfillment. Through a blend of historical context and biblical interpretation, Pastor Eric emphasizes the universal significance of Zion as a unifying force for humanity's redemption and restoration.

Times of Restoration |S2:E2|

In this House of David Podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the theological concept of restoration as outlined in Acts 3:19-21, emphasizing its implications for the church and Israel. He discusses the timing and nature of this restoration, drawing on biblical prophecy and theological frameworks. The dialogue highlights the intertwined destinies of Israel and the Gentile church, anticipating a period of predestined restoration preceding Christ's return. Pastor Eric also explores the role of signs, wonders, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this process, envisioning a unified and redeemed people of God.

Birth Pangs and the Time of Sorrows |S2:E1|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric discusses Yeshua's response to his disciples' inquiry about the signs of his coming and the end of the age, as recorded in Matthew 24:3. He delves into the concept of "birth pangs" as a metaphor for the intensifying difficulties preceding the end times, emphasizing God's judgment and mercy. The dialogue explores the Hebrew understanding of contraction and concealment, linking it to God's attributes and the process of creation. It also touches on the tension between light and darkness, the manifestation of evil, and the eventual revelation of God's glory. Ultimately, Pastor Eric highlights the fulfillment of prophecy and the redemption of Israel.

Restoration of The Kingdom |S1:E17|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the concept of the Kingdom of God as outlined in scripture, particularly focusing on its establishment on earth and the role of Israel in its restoration. He highlights the prophetic vision of Isaiah regarding the Kingdom, emphasizing that it will be established in Israel, with Jerusalem as its center and Yeshua (Jesus) as its king. Pastor Eric discusses differing views on the timing of the Kingdom's establishment, presenting it as both a present and future reality. He emphasizes the importance of understanding biblical prophecy, especially concerning Israel and the end times, urging believers to watch for signs of Yeshua's return. The dialogue also traces the historical restoration of both Israel and the Church, pointing to key events such as the Protestant Reformation and the founding of the State of Israel. Pastor Eric stresses Jerusalem and Israel's significance in God's restoration plan, calling believers to align with God's heart for His land and people. He concludes by encouraging readiness and willingness to participate in God's end-time work, particularly concerning Israel and the nations.