
Return of The Home Church |S3:E12|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric traces the historical evolution of Christian worship spaces, noting the transition from home gatherings to elaborate church buildings. He explores theological influences on church architecture, particularly related to views on the Millennium and Israel's role in God’s Kingdom. The emergence of home church networks is proposed as a return to Biblical principles, emphasizing community and discipleship. The dialogue underscores the distinction between the church as a spiritual family and physical structures, advocating for a renewed focus on disciple-making rather than constructing impressive edifices. Finally, Pastor Eric highlights the importance of preparedness for potential persecution and suggests home churches as an effective model for fostering intimacy and growth in faith.

The Gospel of The Kingdom |S2:E16|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the essence of the Gospel, addressing misconceptions and clarifying its core components. He emphasizes salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, highlighting the gift of grace and the role of good works as a manifestation of faith. Additionally, Pastor Eric discusses the importance of sharing the Gospel and the Kingdom of God, advocating for a balanced approach that encompasses both evangelism and social justice. He concludes by underscoring the centrality of love in effectively communicating the Gospel message to others.