
The Importance of The Old Testament |S4:E6|

In this episode of the House of David podcast, Gabi and Pastor Eric delve into the significance of the Old Testament in understanding the Christian faith and its connection to Israel. They address the marginalization of the Old Testament in some churches and the misinterpretation of its teachings. They explore the origins and history of the Old Testament, emphasizing its importance as the foundation for the New Testament. The discussion includes messianic prophecies, Old Testament covenants, and the role of Israel in God's plan for salvation. They highlight the interconnectedness of the Old and New Testaments, stressing the need for Christians to grasp the entirety of God's redemptive story.

Uniting the House of Jesus—Yeshua |S4:E5|

Pastor Eric invites his sister, Gabriella, to co-host the House of David podcasts in a new season that will help Christians understand their Biblical heritage and connection to Israel. In this podcast episode, Pastor Eric shares his personal journey from skepticism to faith, highlighting the importance of understanding the Jewish roots of Christianity. They discuss the mission of House of David Ministries, emphasizing the need for Christians to comprehend their spiritual heritage intertwined with Israel. The upcoming season promises discussions on various topics, including the significance of the Old Testament, the relationship between the church and Israel, biblical prophecy, and more. They invite listeners to subscribe, like, and share the podcast, and they are looking forward to engaging in enriching teachings and discussions ahead.

Entering The Kingdom |S3:E10|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the theological perspective of the Gospel, emphasizing the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus-Yeshua, His death, resurrection, and the establishment of His Kingdom. He contrasts the common belief of going to heaven with the concept of entering the Kingdom, highlighting the unity of heaven and earth in God's plan. The dialogue underscores the centrality of Israel in God's redemptive plan and emphasizes the restoration of creation to its original perfection. Pastor Eric discusses the role of believers, both Jews and Gentiles, in spreading the message of the Kingdom and preparing for its full establishment here on earth as it is in heaven.

Justice, Kindness, and Truth |S2:E22|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric discusses the concept of truth as presented in the Bible, particularly in relation to the teachings of Yeshua (Jesus). He emphasizes the intertwined nature of justice, kindness, and truth, highlighting Yeshua as the embodiment of this balance. The dialogue explores the role of repentance, grace, and the unity of the church in achieving restoration and advancing God's Kingdom. Pastor Eric also addresses contemporary issues of division, racism, and injustice, advocating for a meek and humble approach rooted in God's kindness and truth.

The Fullness of Time |S2:E20|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores biblical prophecies concerning the First and Second Advents of Christ and Israel's final redemption. He delves into the significance of the number seventy in prophecy, particularly in relation to the completion of God's purposes and the fullness of time. Drawing from scriptures and historical and numerical analysis, Pastor Eric suggests that we may be nearing the culmination of God's plan as indicated by various signs and patterns in the Hebrew calendar, and he encourages readiness and anticipation for Christ's return while emphasizing the ongoing mission of spreading the gospel and making disciples.

Water and Blood |S2:E13|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the intertwined symbolism of water and blood in scripture, tracing their significance from the Old Testament to the New Testament. He highlights their role in covenantal rituals, purification rites, and prophetic foreshadowing, ultimately culminating in their fulfillment in Christ. The dialogue emphasizes the connection between the Old Testament types and their New Testament antitypes, rejecting notions of replacement theology while affirming the continuity of God's redemptive plan. Pastor Eric encompasses themes of rebirth, sanctification, and the transformative power of baptism in Christ, drawing parallels between physical rituals and spiritual realities.

Israel and the Anti-Christ |S2:E9|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the complex concept of the Anti-Christ and its relation to Israel, drawing from biblical scripture and Jewish perspectives. He emphasizes the anticipation of a messianic figure by both Christians and Jews, highlighting differing interpretations of eschatological events. The dialogue suggests a potential identification of the Anti-Christ as an Israelite figure, albeit false, aiming to deceive the Jewish people. Ultimately, Pastor Eric underscores the importance of understanding these prophetic narratives within the context of Israel's role in God's plan for redemption.

The Word Became Flesh |S2:E8|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the profound concept of the Incarnation, exploring the idea of the Word becoming flesh as described in John 1:14. He highlights the significance of the Shechinah, or God's manifest presence, and its connection to the Word of God and the Torah. Through a blend of Jewish tradition and Christian theology, Pastor Eric elucidates how Yeshua (Jesus) embodies the Divine as the Messiah, bridging the gap between the spiritual and the physical realms. The dialogue emphasizes the inseparable nature of God's written Word and the living Word made flesh in Yeshua, illustrating how both are integral to understanding God's revelation and redemption for humanity.

What is Zionism? |S2:E6|

In the House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the multifaceted concept of Zion, encompassing both its geographical significance in Jerusalem and its profound theological implications. He discusses the origins of Zionism as a movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the complexities surrounding its implementation. The dialogue explores the spiritual dimensions of Zion, portraying it as the dwelling place of God and a symbol of salvation and reconciliation for all nations. Additionally, Pastor Eric highlights the interconnectedness of Zion with the Kingdom of God and the role of Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah in its fulfillment. Through a blend of historical context and biblical interpretation, Pastor Eric emphasizes the universal significance of Zion as a unifying force for humanity's redemption and restoration.

Mystery of the Olive Tree |S1:E21|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the complex theological concepts discussed by the Apostle Paul in Romans 11, particularly regarding the relationship between Israel's hardening, the inclusion of Gentiles, and the eventual salvation of Israel. He explores the imagery of the cultivated olive tree, the mystery of Israel's partial hardening, and the role of faith in understanding God's revelation through Yeshua (Jesus). The dialogue highlights the progressive nature of God's revelation throughout history, culminating in the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah. Pastor Eric emphasizes the necessity of faith in Yeshua for both Jews and Gentiles, ultimately pointing towards a future where all Israel will be saved through their acceptance of Yeshua as their Messiah.

The Fall High Holy Days and the Feast of Tabernacles |S1:E18|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric underscores the importance of understanding God's festivals, particularly in the context of His Hebrew calendar and biblical prophecies. He addresses common questions among Christians regarding the relevance of Old Testament feasts in light of the New Covenant. Emphasizing the ongoing significance of Israel's role in God's plan, Pastor Eric explains how events surrounding the Jewish people directly influence the fulfillment of biblical prophecies and the return of Christ. He delves into the symbolic and prophetic meanings of the various feasts, correlating them with key events in the life of Yeshua (Jesus) and future eschatological events. The dialogue stresses the church's responsibility to align with God's prophetic timeline and participate in His restoration of Israel. Additionally, he highlights the role of Gentile believers in provoking Israel to jealousy and interceding for her, ultimately contributing to the rebuilding of God's Kingdom. Through scripture references and theological insights, Pastor Eric urges Christians to embrace God's ordained festivals as integral to His redemptive plan and to actively engage in His purposes for Israel and the nations.

One New Man |S1:E13|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric recounts a personal journey of discovery and reconciliation between his Jewish heritage and Christian faith. He grapples with questions about the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, particularly concerning the role of Israel and the church. Through biblical study and historical reading, Pastor Eric came to understand that Christianity is deeply rooted in its Jewish foundation and that the church and Israel are intertwined in God's plan of redemption. The text challenges the notion of replacement theology, emphasizing the unique and irrevocable calling of the Jewish people while affirming the inclusion of Gentile believers as partakers in God's promises. Pastor Eric celebrates the unity of believers from all nations in Christ, rejecting divisions and embracing diversity within the body of Christ.