Last Days

Recapturing a Lost Generation |S3:E11|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric reflects on the prophecy of Joel and the expectation of a significant outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days. He contrasts this with warnings from Paul and Jesus about the falling away and signs preceding the return of the Lord. The current state of the church, particularly its disconnect with younger generations, is highlighted, suggesting a need for revival and unity centered on love and truth. Pastor Eric emphasizes the importance of boldness in preaching the Gospel amidst adversity and persecution, calling for the church to embrace its prophetic destiny and stand as a beacon of light in a darkening world.

Restoration of The Kingdom |S1:E17|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric delves into the concept of the Kingdom of God as outlined in scripture, particularly focusing on its establishment on earth and the role of Israel in its restoration. He highlights the prophetic vision of Isaiah regarding the Kingdom, emphasizing that it will be established in Israel, with Jerusalem as its center and Yeshua (Jesus) as its king. Pastor Eric discusses differing views on the timing of the Kingdom's establishment, presenting it as both a present and future reality. He emphasizes the importance of understanding biblical prophecy, especially concerning Israel and the end times, urging believers to watch for signs of Yeshua's return. The dialogue also traces the historical restoration of both Israel and the Church, pointing to key events such as the Protestant Reformation and the founding of the State of Israel. Pastor Eric stresses Jerusalem and Israel's significance in God's restoration plan, calling believers to align with God's heart for His land and people. He concludes by encouraging readiness and willingness to participate in God's end-time work, particularly concerning Israel and the nations.