The Mayan Spirits

This was a terrifying, almost vision-like dream. There were two parts, each representing a different aspect of the same Myan spirit. The first was feminine. I saw what appeared to be a woman. She was tall, thin, and made clay. Two demonic figures stood at her side, one behind her left arm and the other behind her right. Her mouth was taped shut with an X, in a wide-open gaping position as if wanting to scream in terror, but nothing came out. She has been continually sexually exploited and physically abused.

The vision then shifted to the masculine aspect of this Myan Spirit. I saw what looked like a Mayan Temple—traditional pyramid-shaped. It was also made of clay. I sensed and heard but could not see the spirit. In the pyramid's center was a black hole that must have extended into the abyss of hell itself. I could hear this demonic spirit roaring from within the dark void. This masculine spirit was sexually exploiting and physically abusing the feminine spirit.