Return of Christ

Four Dates in the Sky

Four Dates in the Sky

I looked up at the sky and saw four dates inscribed into the clouds as if a finger were writing them. The dates were given using the Gregorian calendar. One of the dates appeared to be in December. However, I could not tell what day or year. I also could not see the other three dates. I knew these dates were essential for the church to be aware of. Then the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me at said, “These dates represent four significant biblical prophesies that will occur on the earth before my return.” I knew that one of the dates was the rapture of the church. Excitedly I ran and began proclaiming, “We’ve got it; we know the time of the rapture.” Of course, I knew no man could know the day or the hour, but I felt confident the Lord had revealed the season of His imminent return.

The Sky Turns Black

The Sky Turns Black

I was looking over a city in an apartment building. The sky was bright blue, with a few scattered clouds here and there. Below was a road that was undergoing construction. The men dug down into the earth, placing temporary retaining walls on both sides to hold back the earth. The men began to encounter groundwater, and then there appeared to be a torrent of water coming from the southerly direction. The men feverishly constructed coffer dams within the deep trench to hold back the water, trying to keep the channel from flooding. I could see the water lapping over the top of the cofferdam. As the waters rose, the men continued to build up the cofferdam.

The Ark of Refuge

The Ark of Refuge

The Lord was reading to me from a book He called the book of the Prophets II. I could see the pages and text before me as He read. The Lord has prepared an ark of refuge, a city for His people to escape the tribulation. This is not an earthly place, but the place we will go during the Rapture. He said that people must be ready and prepared to go and that all should enter the ark. But only those who have been deemed worthy will escape the tribulation.

The Rapture

The Rapture

My wife and I were moving about the land doing the Lord’s work. The earth was dark, and we jumped over many obstacles. Suddenly I looked up and saw a flash of white light from heaven. I knew in my spirit that the rapture was imminent and excited for it to come. Very soon afterward, we began to rise. The Lord was carrying us into the atmosphere. Looking back, I could see the United States and the whole earth were in complete darkness. There were points of light scattered around, and I knew they were Christians. I saw many points of light rise into the heavens.

Arise Oh Yah

Arise Oh Yah

I was looking out of my house in Chico towards the northeast. My daughter was in the kitchen cooking dinner for me. It was evening, and there was still light in the sky. I could see a prominent distant mountain with many smaller peaks and hills. Just below the mountain to the southeast was a steep talus slope. Suddenly I saw rocks starting to roll down the hill. The stones continued to fall, and what began as a small rock slide grew into an enormous avalanche. I was a gasp! I hoped there was no one in the area. Before I could even comprehend the event's magnitude, the entire mountain range slid to the northwest. I knew several small towns were in that direction, and I perceived that the shifting mountain range likely consumed them.

The Dawn is Coming

The Dawn is Coming

I was with my family, leading them on a journey that would take us to an intended destination. We were walking through the mountains on a narrow, windy trail. It was dark, and only the moon provided enough light for us to see where we were going. I could faintly see mountain slopes all around us that once had been covered with large trees. All that remained were stumps, yet a new harvest of young trees was rising from the stumps.

The Roman Empire Will be Destroyed

The Roman Empire Will be Destroyed

This vision came right after the first. I sensed in my spirit that the Lord was angry with the attack on my friend’s mother. I was still flying in the spirit and rising from the land quickly. I could see the city become very small below me. In front of me flashed roman structures, with a voice and written words that said: “No Roma.” In my spirit, I understood that God was saying He would destroy the Roman Empire under which we still live, the same authority held by the prince of this world: Satan.

The Battle between God and Satan

The Battle between God and Satan

I saw Satan climbing a large mountain resembling a giant rock. He looked like a large black, mechanical monster. I followed him to the top of the rock, where I saw another man standing. Satan’s shape changed into a spirit cloud of black dots. He came towards me to attack, and immediately I saw the spirit of God intercepting to block Satan’s approach. God’s Spirit looked like a cloud of white dots. I watched as Satan fiercely attacked God. It was a potent scene, like two giants clashing. I saw myself ripping apart a giant boom box and throwing the pieces over the mountain's edge. As I watched Satan continue to attack, I could feel God’s anger rising until I heard his voice say: “Enough.” I saw his hand sweeping outward before me, and Satan’s spirit collapsed into a tiny dot thrust down over the edge of the mountain.