The Flood — Escaping Behind the Wall of Protection

I was walking along a road that followed the top bank of a winding creek channel. The low-flow area of the creek was relatively small, but the depth and width of the overall channel led me to believe that a more significant flood could sweep through the area. The banks were nicely manicured and gradually sloping, giving a peaceable appearance. At one point, I came to a house built into the channel, and it had stilts underneath to raise it slightly, but not enough to escape a more significant flood.

Suddenly, I heard a deep rumbling, and I knew that a torrent of water was approaching us at an incredible speed. There were others with me, including some that I recognized. I warned them to escape, and they followed me to an area behind a massive concrete wall that paralleled the channel a short distance away. We arrived there just as the wall of water ripped through the channel. The backwater from the flood poured back in around us, but it didn’t cause us any harm. I saw a naked, bearded man sitting up to his waist in the standing water. He looked confused and childish, cupping the water and letting it dribble.