
The Creation of Man

The Creation of Man

The first Hebrew word in the Bible is Be-reisheet. This word signifies the very act of creation—God brought “being” into existence from “non-being,” something from nothing. In the beginning (Be-reisheet), the Lord God made all things perfect. Each living organism on earth was divinely planned and woven into the most remarkable fabric of creation, a living tapestry of God’s artwork. Every detail, carefully and methodically executed by the wisdom of God, for a creation without wisdom would be chaos.

The Attributes and Works of God

The Attributes and Works of God

God’s attributes include His self-existence, immutability (unchanging), eternality, omnipresence (everywhere), omniscience (all-knowing), omnipotence (unlimited), and sovereignty (all-ruling power). God’s attributes are one with and in complete unity with Him. While God is limitless, He has chosen to restrain His will, giving humanity a degree of “free will.” This is the great mystery and the seeming paradox of God’s absolute sovereignty versus His limited will.