
Are We Seeing the End?

Are We Seeing the End?

Are we seeing the end of the age, the days immediately before the tribulation and the return of Christ? Quite possibly. Previous generations thought they were living at the end, saying, “Look at all these wars and horrific events taking place. Certainly, the end is upon us.” And when Jesus did not return as expected, scoffers arose to criticize the church. So what has changed in this generation? We will find out.

The Root of Replacement Theology

The Root of Replacement Theology

I remember the day so clearly, sitting on my living room couch and holding an Old King James Bible in my hand. I was determined to discover the truth contained within. I very much believed in the one true God of Israel. So I said to Him, “I need to know the truth.” I had no concept of the Holy Spirit speaking to me, but somehow asking God to show me His truth made sense. As I started to read the book of Matthew, there was clarity and focus to the narrative. The story came to life, and remarkably the old English language was perfectly decipherable.