
Jesus — The Suffering Servant

Jesus — The Suffering Servant

I was walking and talking with a man. We were in what appeared to be a train museum. I told the man how the Lord had spoken to me about His healing of my marriage. As I told him the story, I felt an overwhelming sense of repentance and conviction that brought me to tears. When I awoke from the dream, I was covered with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. As I peered into the darkness, I saw the face of Jesus. He appeared to be in agony. I could see the hairs in His beard so clearly. I saw Him standing away from me, with no shirt and arms crossed. He held a posture of rejection, and I sensed in the spirit that He did not know me. I cried out for Him not to forsake me. I did this for a while, and then I saw what appeared to be a Jewish family sitting at their dining room table. There was a glowing radiance to the room and a sense of peace. In the spirit, God also told me how he had healed this family.

Sweet Songs about Nothing

Sweet Songs about Nothing

I was in a room with Jewish people, both men, and women. The men were preparing for a quire presentation. I sat in one of the seats and watched as they quickly arranged themselves in neat rows. They started singing. It sounded beautiful, but the words were complete nonsense. One man standing in front took off his black hat, closed his eyes, and sang a beautiful chorus. But again, it was about nothing. However, a woman sitting in the front row chimed in, substituting his empty lyrics with several profanities. Her attitude was hostile and sarcastic. The whole scene seemed funny, and I started laughing.

The Jewish People Held in a Glass Case

The Jewish People Held in a Glass Case

I was walking downtown in a city looking for a library. Another person was walking alongside me. I saw a small church and decided to step in. They did not even recognize me. There was no warmth in this place, even an atmosphere of hostility, so I left and walked to another church. Outside the building, the curb was painted red, prohibiting anyone from parking near the entrance. I crossed the red line anyway.

The Rabbi Led Astray

The Rabbi Led Astray

I was in a dark bar inside a city. All the walls were painted black. A few people were sitting here and there. At one point, I parked a Harley Davidson motorcycle. I walked outside and saw a tall man heading toward the bar. He had sandy blond hair and a long face with a mustache. He wore a sports jacket with a neckpiece resembling a priest's. Walking behind him was a Jewish man, possibly a rabbi. He was wearing a tallit and carrying a wooden jar that contained a Torah scroll. I blocked the tall man and said sternly: “You will not bring the scroll of God into this place!” He bent over slightly, and with his finger pointed toward my eyes; he gave me an evil stare, unlike anything I had ever seen. I felt a sense of fear but would not relent in my position. Then I awoke.

The Presence of God Amongst His People

The Presence of God Amongst His People

I walked into what appeared to be a classroom. Jewish men were standing around smiling and talking to each other. Some wore regular clothes, some wore suits, and some wore traditional orthodox clothing. As I walked around them, I could feel the overwhelming presence of God. I knew he was amongst his people even though they did not recognize him. I felt so happy that I spun around, feeling drunk by the holy spirit of God. One of the men came up to me and smiled.

The Temple in Jerusalem

The Temple in Jerusalem

I was with my sister, her husband, and their child in Jerusalem. They had moved back and were staying in an apartment building. The rooms were old and dark with no windows. We walked down a long hallway and then exited onto a covered veranda. As I looked out, I could see the temple mount in Jerusalem. It was still in ruins. The sun was shining, and I could hear thousands of angels singing as I looked up. To my right was a bridge that people were crossing over, most heading towards the mount. I walked across the bridge, and as I approached the temple, I felt the overwhelming presence of God come over me. I dropped to the ground powerless, and laid flat on my face. All my emotions poured through me, and I cried to the Lord: “Father, how long until you rebuild your temple?” Then I awoke.

The Devouring Dragon

The Devouring Dragon

The dream started with a story about what appeared to be a dragon or dinosaur. It was inside a restaurant, and I was given a large block of cheese. Next, I found the dragon following two women. A heavy song in the background described how the dragon would follow the women everywhere, intent on devouring them. The women were holding hands and appeared scared as they walked quickly ahead of the dragon. I saw different scenes appear, and in each one, the dragon was stalking the women. Next, I saw two men taking cover under a metal carport. They were kneeling in about two feet of water and looking up. The sky was dark, and the whole area appeared flooded. A helicopter was hovering directly overhead and was firing down on them. The men kept moving back as the shower of bullets slowly crept towards them, almost in a scanning pattern.

The Rabbis

The Rabbis

I was walking with Jesus. He was tall with dark hair and was wearing a traditional linen robe. A group of Pharisaic rabbis had approached Jesus. They condemned him for his teachings, periodically slapping him on the face. We walked to another group of older rabbis. They were also wearing traditional linen robes. Jesus spoke to them, and his words were that of the Father. His tone was compassionate but firm. While he was speaking, he knelt and began writing in the sand. He asked the men why they continued to reject God’s truth, and at one point, he said: “I even caused one of you to calculate all of the timelines in the scriptures so that you would have confirmation. Still, you have continued to reject my word.” There was an inflection of puzzlement in his voice.

The Jewish Circle

The Jewish Circle

I was standing in a circle of people, and I thought many, if not most, were Jewish. They were searching for their names, possibly referring to their chosen identity. I said to the group in a friendly tone, not as their leader but as an outspoken member: “I can tell you your Hebrew names if you like, and I can spell them for you also.” Several women gave me their English names, and in turn, I gave them their Hebrew names and spellings.

Dividing the Land of Israel

Dividing the Land of Israel

This dream came in three parts. I sat in a conference room with two women at a panel table in the first part. One woman wanted to discuss the veil over the Jewish people, and the other seemed apprehensive. I boldly and firmly told her she should not do so and that such a discussion would lead to an unending cycle of self-righteousness and, ultimately, no explanation. In the second part, I looked at the land around Jerusalem and observed how the land was being divided through U.S. diplomacy between the Jewish people and the Arab nations.