Dividing the Land of Israel

This dream came in three parts. I sat in a conference room with two women at a panel table in the first part. One woman wanted to discuss the veil over the Jewish people, and the other seemed apprehensive. I boldly and firmly told her she should not do so and that such a discussion would lead to an unending cycle of self-righteousness and, ultimately, no explanation. In the second part, I looked at the land around Jerusalem and observed how the land was being divided through U.S. diplomacy between the Jewish people and the Arab nations.

I sensed in the spirit that God was not happy with our involvement and the forced separation of the land. In the last part of the dream, I stood with a woman I knew. We were outside a dark storefront, trying to get in and looking for a third intercessor woman. The familiar woman turned to me and said that her intercessor friend had recently told her that God was unhappy with the U.S. strategy in Israel to divide the land and that our actions, if continued, would cause millions of people to die.