Demonic Clown-Pirates Descending Upon our Nation

My wife and I were walking along the main street of a small city. Small shops lined both sides of the road, and many people walked around. Everything was peaceful. I then felt a sudden sense of panic come over the people. Looking behind me, I could see dozens of military vehicles being transported to an undisclosed location—tanks, cannons, and other heavy artillery pieces. I looked down at my cell phone and noticed dozens of messages calling up troops and military equipment. I then saw unusual aircraft flying overhead. Some looked like scooters that hovered in the air. All of the ground and aerial troops were heading to a specified location. They positioned themselves in a row, facing the same direction and looking up. I noticed the people on the street were also looking up in the same direction. But who was attacking us, I wondered?

As I turned around, I saw a mountain in the sky. The mountain was nearby but also immediately overhead at the same time. Perched on top of its sharp peak was what appeared to be a pirate ship. However, it was constructed of steel and more modern than the old wooden pirate sailing ships. The boat was loosely perched on the peak. I could see a demonic clown pirate standing on the bow, laughing hideously and rocking the boat back and forth. Rocks and other debris were falling on the people below. The ship then lisped to one side and began plummeting to the earth. I sprinted to get out of its way.

The ship crashed on its side in the middle of town. Everything suddenly became dark. The demonic clown pirate came out of the boat, hurled a whip at me, and yelled, “stay back.” He did the same thing to my wife. We moved back. He then threw a steel cable at me with a metal handgrip attached. I grabbed the handle and let go, realizing he would electrify it. He then hurled the steel cable at another man holding the handle. The man and his wife were then whipped into the air as if on a carnival ride. I saw the clown electrify the cable, and the man holding it burst into flames. I awoke from the dream in a panic.