Our Nation Shifting Politically to the Left

I was sitting in the back of a car being driven along a coastal highway in Georgia. The driver was a transportation engineer who worked for me. It was a beautiful, cloudless day with clear blue skies. The ocean was stunningly blue also. Off to my right was a small bay. A statue of Hillary Clinton was placed in the middle, not too far from the highway. She looked cartoon-like as if the artist mocked her. In the distance, I could see several oil rigs out in the open ocean. The highway suddenly dipped, and I could see it was shallowly flooded where the ocean levels had risen. We drove down at a high rate of speed into the water and proceeded up the other side. I moved from the back seat into the front passenger side. I panicked as we neared the water, waking me from the dream.

The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about everything I saw. The time was for the future. Hillary had either been elected President or appointed to an exceedingly prominent level of government. The sea levels had risen and flooded many coastal areas around the United States. The populace had become staunchly in favor of stringent environmental regulations, even prohibiting the rebuilding of the highway from elevating it above the floodwaters. People were also firmly against off-shore oil drilling, and Hillary was enforcing these strict regulations to the detriment of the US economy. The country had shifted politically far to the left.

'Deep, deep trouble': Dems reportedly bringing in Hillary Clinton to help with Biden's re-election