The Mountain of Safety

Our country was in danger, and the Lord was leading me to climb a mountain of safety. A few others were following but seemed skeptical. I surveyed the steep terrain to my left, looking for a place to scramble up the black, chiseled, and weathered volcanic rock resembling Biotite Mica, also called Black Mica or Iron Mica.

According to Wikipedia: “When biotite is found in large chunks, they are called books because it resembles a book with pages of many sheets. Biotite is occasionally found in large cleavable crystals, especially in pegmatite veins, as in New England, Virginia, and North Carolina.”

I scrambled up quickly and came to a lush plateau. The Lord had left a large pile of wild blueberries. They were small but incredibly sweet. I dug into the pile and shoveled a handful into my mouth. The other people who had followed me were now starting to believe the Lord had brought us to this place of safety. I walked quickly along a trail, and to my left was a perfectly level and tilled field. The soil was thick and rich, maybe three or four feet, and almost black. The area had been neatly plowed and was ready to be planted. I followed the road to the south and found two more fields. They were also neatly tilled. However, their soil color was lighter. Eventually, I discovered an old manufacturing building. It was in good condition but had been abandoned. All the electrical and ventilation systems still worked. I sealed up one of the rooms with plans to return.