The American "P"

I was standing on top of a grassy hill when suddenly I looked up and saw the most peculiar aircraft. I looked like a giant flying wing, banked sharply to the left. The fuselage was silver, and blue and red stripes were painted across the wings. Painted in red down the middle was the word “American,” and immediately behind was a large, blue capital letter “P.” “American P,” I read. What did that mean?

The plane was flying extremely low and continued banking sharply around. I felt it looked stable, but a voice said it would crash. I saw no signs of failure and continued disbelieving that anything was wrong. Suddenly, the plane dipped sharply and nosed down into a parking lot. It made an incredible noise as it hit the ground but it didn’t explode. It just landed flat on its belly, rocking back and forth. I saw a man running away from the aircraft, fearing it might explode, but nothing happened. Next, I saw the fuel tank fill nozzle where flames came out. A fireman sprayed the nozzle to extinguish the fire, but the flames continued coming out.