Holy Days

The Fall High Holy Days and the Feast of Tabernacles

The Fall High Holy Days and the Feast of Tabernacles

Why should I celebrate the feasts in the Old Testament? As Christians, we are eagerly awaiting the return of Christ and should, therefore, seek to understand events pointing to this return. It is impossible to understand God’s festivals (His feasts) and high holy days of the Lord without also knowing God’s Hebrew calendar and His biblical prophecies. These prophetic signs correlate with the Lord’s Hebraic calendar and feast cycles and give us this understanding.

Why Sabbath?

Why Sabbath?

For two Sundays in August and September, the Passion Church in Atlanta will be stepping away from their normal weekend routine and into the rhythm of Sabbath. They realize the idea of NOT MEETING is a little crazy on the surface, but they are guided by a deeper spiritual belief that God intended to weave Sabbath rest into the fabric of creation. They believe that as we cease from our efforts and celebrate again that God is the source of all we have and need, we will experience renewed strength and vision as a House.

Check out the video at the Cumberland Location Pastor Grant Patrick and other Atlanta anchors in their House sit down for a conversation about Sabbath and why it is important. We hope you tune in to hear the heartbeat and truth in finding power in rest.